Our hui led by community member Lakaysha Lee-Hill continues! Started as a part of our Black August programming, we've been offering space over the past several weeks to read and discuss Resmaa Menakem’s now New York Times bestselling book My Grandmother’s Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies. If you'd like to join the conversation, there is still time to purchase the book via our online store and catch up before we meet again.
Our final virtual session meets Sunday, October 25, at 9am HST with special guest Hope Azeda.
Lakaysha Lee-Hill is a Detroit native who holds an MA in Applied Theatre Arts from the University of Southern California and BFA in Theatre Arts Administration from Howard University. She has worked with numerous organizations to support social justice for people of color and co-founded Changing Ways, a Los Angeles based participatory theatre group for formerly incarcerated men. Her deep-seated interest in multigenerational trauma will be the basis of her research as a member of the 2021 PsyD cohort at the Hawaii School of Professional Psychology at Chaminade University.
Based in Kigali, Rwanda, Hope Azeda is the founder and artistic director of Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company, a leading theatre company operating in Rwanda since 1997. Using theatre arts, the Mashirika Company has used movement and performance to heal community trauma and bring about social transformation. Hope Azeda will join our Hawaiʻi community in this final hui to share her insights and to talk about how her experience connects with the practices Resmaa Menakem lays out in his book.