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Black August — MOVEMENT with Jerome MT

Join dancer, movement artist, and cultural practitioner Jerome MT as he guides us through three sessions exploring the spiritual power of moving our physical bodies. Inspired by ancestral practices of movement and stillness from Africa and the African diaspora, these sessions will delve into the
fundamental human experiences of Body, Mind, and Soul to find resilience, strengthen our resistance, and cultivate our joy.

August 7 THE BODY — Eleggua : The dance of Peace, The path of Joy

The dance of the conscious mind is the game of balance between the human experience and the world we share. This bears the narratives of relationship from which we understand life, ourselves, others and the world. The Yoruba people understood this well. The dances of the Orisha not only display vibrant expression of culture; but also provide tools of healing and vitality. Eleggua is the Yoruba deity of the crossroads and communication. His many parables tell stories of enlightenment, folly and growth. In this workshop we dive into his attributes of balance, peace and joy. Dance to understanding and discover new pathways to a joyful heart and peaceful mind.

August 14 THE MIND — MoveMed: Movement Medicine and Meditation

Engineering movement mechanics in the body in connection with the breath and the mind’s attention, cultivates the walking zen state in us all while aligning our energies to states of peace and blissful expression. Rooted in the Yoruba traditions of movement medicine, meditation and the energies within; MovMed awakens our bodies and minds together in solidarity and intention. Still the mind, ignite the body and soothe the soul through breath and movement.

August 21 THE SOUL — Practical Spirituality and Cultural Ritual

This session discusses the spiritual application and understanding of fundamental cultural practices of both African and Diaspora peoples. Prayer, praise, and cleansing are tools of enlightenment and inner cultivation that unite the human expression into spiritual experience of life through the person. Come and connect to the spiritual you as these tools and practices enrich and empower your life and your relationship to it.

About the teacher

Jerome MT is a movement artist, teacher, mindfulness mentor and spiritualist homed in Honolulu, Hawaii. His movement and teaching aim to inspire the coalescence, communication and community of Salsa culture and to expand its art in everyone. He unifies knowledge and experience to provide the wisdom of a creative and balanced life using the tools of the mind, body, breath and art. Currently, he travels the world with his brand AlohAsheXpression sharing the gifts of a creative life through his teaching and movement art